A couple of weeks ago, I pulled my car over to take a picture of this beautiful sunrise. There was something about this sunrise that made me smile. As I stared at the sun rising on my way to work, I felt a sense of calmness as I smiled. I just knew my pretty girl was looking at the same beautiful sunrise in Heaven. Sometimes I stare at the beautiful things on this Earth that God has created and just take it all in. It is so easy to just take the small things that He created for granted because life gets in the way. I never take enough time to just admire these beautiful things and thank Him for all that He is given us. I felt as though Ellie was telling me to enjoy this sunrise because she was too. No matter where she is, I will always be her mommy and we can still enjoy these special moments together <3 I love you so much, Ellie Olivia.
Thank you for letting mommy see the beauty in this.